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Basics: History

American Slave Narratives accesses narratives of over 2,300 former slaves interviewed from 1936 to 1938 by writers of the Works Progress Administration (WPA).

Films on Demand s the web-based digital video delivery service for streaming educational video content from Films Media Group.

GenderWatch is a full text database of publications that focus on the impact of gender across a broad spectrum of subject areas.

Making of America is a digital library of primary sources in American social history from Cornell University and the University of Michigan.

North American Slave Narratives includes biographies and narratives of fugitive and former slaves published in English before 1920.

The Oxford African American Studies Center provides more than 10,000 articles by top scholars in the field. 

Samual J. May Anti-Slavery Collection is a digitized version of abolitionist Samuel May's collection of anti-slavery publications.

US Holocaust Memorial Museum provides online access to many of their materials to researcher.