Retrieving too many results? There are various strategies you may consider to narrow down your search. There is not one correct way to search. But these strategies have proved useful.
What if you cannot find many sources about your topic? There are various strategies you may consider to broaden your search.
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Search the Library Catalog to find books owned by the ISU Library.
You cannot search the full-text of the books using the Catalog. You can only search the description and words in the record of the book in the Catalog. And an average book may be 300 pages. So it usually best practice to not enter too many search words or to make your search words to specific and detailed.
You may choose to look for books on a broader topic. For example, a book on health business would probably include information about management.
Using a database to search for sources can be more efficient and effective than searching the Internet due to the special features and characteristics of the database. Besides the citation information of a source, databases add "metadata" to the source record, which is further descriptive information about that source. This metadata can be used to retrieve source records from the databases.
CINAHL and MEDLINE via EBSCOhost are very meticulous about applying metadata to source records. CINAHL Subjects and MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) are assigned to sources that are ABOUT that subject. Major Subjects are the primary focus of the source. Minor Subjects are covered in the source but much less. Or the Minor Subjects are descriptive about the study or the case, such as the age groups of the patients/research subjects or the type of methodology used.
Below are a few databases recommended as a start to your searches.
MEDLINE provides an authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more.
CINAHL® provides indexing for 2,737 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health. The database contains more than 1,000,000 records dating back to 1982. Offering complete coverage of English-language nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses' Association, CINAHL covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines.
PsycINFO®, from the American Psychological Association (APA), contains more than 2 million citations and summaries of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations, all in psychology and related disciplines, dating as far back as the 1800s.
From INSPIRE: The world's definitive scholarly business database; containing indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals back as far as 1886. full text available for more than 3,200 titles.
You must change your topic into words and strings of characters in order to search for sources about it. Remember that you must anticipate what words OTHER PEOPLE might use to discuss your topic.
health promotion program OR patient education
intervention OR program OR programme OR programs OR programmes
model* OR framework* OR theor* OR approach*
communit* OR public OR neighborhood
youth* OR teen* OR juvenile* OR adolescen* OR child* OR pediatric* OR young*
sexual health or sexuality or sexual wellbeing or well-being or well being
wellbeing or well-being or well being
health OR well*
partner* OR "work together"
prevent* OR control* OR cure OR solve OR solution OR
statistics OR rate OR rates OR incidence OR prevalence OR epidemiology
market* OR advertis* OR broadcast* OR notify OR notified OR notif*
advantag* OR benefit* OR pro OR pros OR cons OR disadvantag* OR problem* OR issue*
(substance OR drug OR alcohol) AND (misuse OR abuse OR addict* OR use) <= "use" might be too common a word to be helpful
substance abuse or substance use or drug abuse or drug addiction or drug use or alcohol use or alcohol abuse or alcohol addiction
breast AND (cancer* OR neoplasm* OR oncolog*)
((MH "Neoplasms+") OR cancer* OR maligna* OR tumor* OR tumour* OR carcinoma* OR sarcoma* OR OR neoplasm* OR oncolog* OR (MH "Antineoplastic Agents+") OR (MH "Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols+") OR (MH "Antineoplastic Protocols+") OR (MH "Chemotherapy, Adjuvant+") OR (MH "Chemotherapy, Cancer, Regional Perfusion+") OR (MH "Chemoradiotherapy+") OR (MH "Consolidation Chemotherapy+") OR (MH "Induction Chemotherapy+") OR Antineoplastic* OR Chemotherap* OR chemoradiotherap* OR cytotoxic OR radiochemotherap* OR myeloma* OR neuroblastoma* OR osteosarcoma* OR glioma* OR adenocarcinoma* OR hematooncological* OR hemato-oncological* OR nephroblastom* OR chemoradiation OR immunoradiotherap*)