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Freshman Writing: Library Research: OnDemandResearchHelp

Basics of library resource use - online catalog, databases, topic selection; based on ISU's Freshman Writing courses, Eng 105 & 107

Online Sessions: Support Info

Briefings for Distance Learning Teachers

Briefing sessions will be scheduled upon request. Individual teachers or academic departments/program are invited to contact the Distance Learning Librarian to schedule a session. You can also contact the librarian subject specialist associated with your program/College.

Online Reference Sessions

Online Research Help sessions via YuJa (courses, individuals or groups) will be scheduled upon request.

The Distance Learning Librarian has moved to an 'on-demand' model. Individual students, groups of students or instructors should email Cheryl Blevens to schedule a Zoom or other online session. Please request at least 48 hours in advance. Either the Distance Learning Librarian or the library subject specialist will host online sessions. 

ISU Class sessions will use Zoom, which has chat capabilities as well as audio [if you have a microphone & headphones), and video (if you have a webcam). The librarian can answer questions and also demonstrate online catalog searches, use of our many databases, and much more. This is primarily for the convenience of distance learning students but any person may attend or request a session. Sessions may be recorded.

OTHER CONTACT OPTIONS - look for the Live Chat box which you will find scattered throughout the Libguides. Live Chat is monitored by Research and Instruction Librarians during regular day-time library hours; the rest of the time Live Chat is monitored by Circulation staff members.

You can also connect with librarians via the Meet with a Librarian online form.