LibGuide Lesson Plans are designed for the instructor/teacher/professor who wishes to use the LibGuide without the presence of a librarian or a library instruction session, or, to assist the librarian with little/no experience in teaching this sort of course. While the LibGuides format is great for putting information into a stylized format, it is not always easy to discern the intent: do you start on the Home Page and then go Tab by Tab? what about sub-sections? What are outcomes? Yes, the LibGuide can be printed as one document, or you can print specific sections, but, again, it can depend on the original site as to how the document is organized. This document is an attempt to layout the LibGuide content in a lesson plan format so use of the site can flow logically and smoothly. This is a work-in-progress and feedback from instructors will be greatly appreciated!
This Lesson Plan assumes two class sessions if a 50-minute class, 30 min. lecture/demo and 15 min. hands-on or personal research time. A 75-minute class period could squeeze all of this in but if you allow for 15 minutes of hands-on or personal research time, we recommend two sessions as well. Sessions can be held during consecutive class sessions but that is not necessary.
Any/all of the Pages could be assigned ahead of time. While site was developed with Handbook for College Research [Perrin] in mind, it is not necessary to have this specific book.
<FIRST SESSION> Homepage: Review Objectives
Assignment Calculator:
Level 1: demonstrate Assignment Calculator
Level 2: have students input real dates and then post onto their planners
Level 3: assign examination of some/all of the links provided under each of the 12 steps of the AC timeline
Research Planner:
Level 1: indicate existance/open Planner [Word document]
Level 2: provide copies of Planner for each student/have student print off copy
Level 3: use during instruction session or as part of assignment as subsequent session
ISU Writing Center: all levels: open site; make students aware of locations, services, hours
Writing Center LibGuide: all levels: open site; a) 3 citation styles covered; b) 2 bibliographic management software download options [EndNote, Citation 9] and one Firefox app
Level 2/3: require EndNote download; require tutorials
All levels: Plagiarism links as needed; minimum Academic Integrity at ISU
Level 3: grad students; faculty researchers: the various Copyright links
2. Topic Selection [if needed]; consider as both topic 'selection' and 'refinement'
Level 1: point out resources available
Level 2: demo CQ Researcher; demo ProQuest Topic Guide -or- TOPICSearch [Ebscohost]
Level 3: demo BOTH ProQuest Topic Guide AND TOPICSearach [Ebscohost]
Level 1-3 [as needed]: Reference Books for Topic Selection, demo or information
3. Online Catalog:
All levels: demonstrate basics of KEYWORD/BOOLEAN, SUBJECT, AUTHOR, TITLE searching
If students on computers, 5 min. time looking up their topic in online catalog [limit to BOOKS] with help as needed; if in Library, go get book and check out. If not in Library, require them to print out or email record. Require formatting into correct Style
Level 2: Library of Congress Classification and Keyword/Boolean searching links;could be assignments out of class with quiz
Level 3 [rare]: LCSH; could be assignments out of class with quiz
Electronic Resources: Articles
Level 1: connect to Electronic Resources page and demo one or more of the Recommended databases
Level 2: utilize the links to General/Multi-subject Databases & News databases to continue demo or have students try to find their topics online; reminders about Exporting to EndNote
Level 3: expect students to use Advanced [faceted] search features of not only ProQuest & Ebscohost interfaces; require students find one Ebscohost database; set up MyEbscohost folder to save citations; when it's time for students to submit initial resource list/bibliography, have them add instructor to MyEbscohost folder via Sharing; send instructor email link to folders
Interlibrary Loan [no direct link from LibGuide; could add; make students sign up during class session if on computers]
Chat with Librarian and/or Email Librarian [linked to LibGuide or via generic Email link on Library Homepage]
It is hard to get beyond the mechanics to talk about the nuances of using the online catalog and databases. With 2 ways to get into our new Millennium online catalog (they are named Fusion and Fusionplus), and trying to get more undergraduates to use EndNote, I developed these worksheets. During the 1st session, we get thru much of what is on the worksheet in a 50-min. session. Our instruction lab computers have EndNote or students can use their own. If I have access to students before class (Blackboard access & email), I ask the students to download EndNote before they come. If not, during 1st session, when they see the wonders of EndNote, many return with laptop for 2nd session or a research work day and I help each one download - it is fascinating to see the different computers students have even though we are a laptop campus and have recommended models.
I also keep a copy of the zip file EndNote download on a portable drive. Helpful if I am doing instruction sessions outside of our Library's instruction classrooms, that involve EndNote. Students can pass it around and get the file on their computers.