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Freshman Writing: Library Research: Writing and Citing

Basics of library resource use - online catalog, databases, topic selection; based on ISU's Freshman Writing courses, Eng 105 & 107

ISU's Writing Center

The Writing Center is available to offer help with your writing. Arrange a consultation with a tutor by phone or e-mail. A tutor will review your writing sample and discuss your particular needs during a scheduled virtual appointment. Please contact the tutors at least five days before the paper is due to allow tutors time to prepare.

Hours: click on the link above to get the hours for the current semester.

Handbook: Style Chapters

The Handbook for College Research covers:

  • MLA Style {chapter 14}
  • APA {chapter 15}
  • Chicago {chapter 16}

Each chapter includes a Sample Paper.

Writing and Citing: Quick Links

Here are some quick links to important information about writing research papers and properly citing your sources.

Citation Style Guides

Citation Management Software

  • RefWorks: A popular, web-based citation management tool
  • Endnote: The premier academic writing software - available to ISU community as free download, subsidized by Library

Writing Help

Skills to Write It!: Useful resources at UGA and beyond to help you write your paper.