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Freshman Writing: Library Research: Online Catalog

Basics of library resource use - online catalog, databases, topic selection; based on ISU's Freshman Writing courses, Eng 105 & 107

Online Catalog: What Else Do I Need to Know?

Handbook Chapter: Online Catalog

Chapter 5 of the Handbook for College Research is entitled, Learning to Use Online Catalogs and Periodical Databases.

For more information on using our online catalog, visit the ISU Library Basics LibGuide and look at the Catalog tab and the sub-tabs on catalog searching, search strategies, call numbers, etc.

Using an Online Catalog

Our current online catalog is known as Fusion and Fusionplus. Fusion also has an Advanced Search option. All three search the Library holdings. Fusion is a single-search box; its Advanced Search has some additional features. FusionPlus offers some features more familiar to long-time users of online catalogs and includes an easy way to do call number searching.