How do you browse or flip through the pages of an online periodical? Well, in some cases, especially with commercial products such as catalogs, software actually does let you 'flip'. However, most online periodicals, coming from a variety of vendors and interfaces, does not allow you to do this. However, you can use the Electronic Resources gateway to 1) find a specific title you hope is available as online full-text or 2) use a Subject look-up to discover what is currently available. When you connect to an online publication this way, often you are presented with a list of articles in the order in which they appear in the original/print journal. You will not get the complete, cover-to-cover issue but that is not the purpose of the database index.
PRINT: there are still print issues that you may need to use, either in our Current Periodicals section, Bound Journals [older], or microfilm. Distance Learners will ask for these as they would other articles. On-campus students: use the online catalog to see if we have a title and find holdings information.
FINDING YOUR PUBLICATION: from the Electronic Resources page, find the Browse E-Journals by Subject [green box]. Look under Social Sciences >> Gender & Ethnic Studies and Gay & Lesbian Studies. If you have never delved deeply into the scholarly literature of a subject area, you will be amazed at the number of titles available generally, and also how many aspects of the broader topic area have their very own titles!
If someone gives you a specific title, check to see if it is online by using the Find e-journals, eBooks, and media [gold] box. If your title is not listed, check for print holdings via the online catalog [Fusion or Fusionplus].
Warning: sometimes full-text coverage of a title is taken away, or moves to a new provider. If you can no longer link to one of the titles listed below, check for a new link via the Electronic Resources page, or contact a librarian.