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Gender Studies: Sex Education Project

A guide to support ISU's GNDR [was WS] 200 'Introduction to Gender Studies', and related classes. Coverage for on-campus and online students included.

Gender Studies: Sex Education Project Overview

There are connections between sex education and gender equality.  Students choose a topic and prepare a presentation. They work in small  groups to do research, find and read at least 5 "high quality" resources, prepare an annotated bibliography, and then film the presentation - currently using YuJa. 

To be sure that you have found the sources that will help you the most in this project, you will probably turn up at least a dozen in your initial search and then probably start to read or skim or flip through about 8 before narrowing your list down to the 4 that you will read carefully and choose to include in your annotated bibliography. Research is not choosing the first 4 searches that pop up on a search.[from Fall 2020 syllabus, Ruth Fairbanks]

Sex Education: Bibliographies of ISU Library Materials

Lists prepared in 2016

Sex Education: ERIC Database Examples

ERIC is the primary database for educational materials. It is unique: it indexes journal articles but also provides access to other educational materials including reports and curriculum guides. 

Sex Education in Vigo County School Corporation

Sex Education: Research Resources

Sex Education: Websites

Sex Education: Statistics

Sex Education: Topics

  • Economics and Family Planning

  • Elementary (K-5) Sex Ed; Puberty

  • Good Sex

  • Peer-to-peer educators; Sex education outside the school system; Sex ed for parents

  • Relationships, Communication, Consent, and Abuse

  • Reproduction, Reproductive Health, Contraceptives, Menopause

  • Sex Education and Disability

  • Sex Education and Race

  • Sex, Social Media, Media Literacy, and the Law

  • Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

  • STIs, STDs, Protection, Abstinence