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..SOURCES: International Resources

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International Resources

  • The CIA World FactBook is updated throughout the year and gives economic, geographical, governmental, and statistical information on foreign countries. Maps of countries and regions are also available.
  • Country Studies is a continuing series of books prepared by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress under the Country Studies/Area Handbook Program that has been sponsored by the Department of the Army. This series presently contains individual studies of more than 100 countries and regions, which are updated on an irregular basis.
  • This site points to the official websites of foreign governments as well as information on a country�s economic, health, military, politics, foreign relations, etc. which comes from authoritative sources. It was produced by the University of Colorado at Boulder�s Government Publications Library.
  • Country Studies is a continuing series of books prepared by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress under the Country Studies/Area Handbook Program that has been sponsored by the Department of the Army. This series presently contains individual studies of more than 100 countries and regions, which are updated on an irregular basis.
  • This site points to the official websites of foreign governments and was produced by Northwestern University Library's Government and Geographic Information and Data Services Department.
  • This site points to the official websites of international governmental organizations (IGOs), as well as to guides for users of international government information; it was produced by Northwestern University Library's Government and Geographic Information and Data Services Department.
  • Official website of the United Nations (English language version).
  • Official website of UNESCO the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (English language version).
  • Official website of WHO: World Health Organization (English language version).

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