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Library Administrative Affairs Committee

Library Administrative Affairs Committee (LAAC) 2023-2024

  • Melissa Gustafson - Chair (1st term, 1st yr) 
  • Cheryl Blevens - Secretary (1st term, 1st yr) 
  • Shelley Arvin (1st term, 2nd yr)
  • Edi Campbell (1st term, 1st yr) 
  • Stephen Patton (1st term, 1st yr) 


  • Dean Robin Crumrin
  • Staff Council Rep: Tracy McDaniel
  • Special Collections Rep: Ian Carey

No more than five (5) faculty, at least one shall be a member of the Library Faculty Assembly; one (1) administrator; and one (1) fulltime Support Staff/EAP member elected by the LSR (Library Staff Representatives).

LAAC Areas of Advisory Responsibility


201.2. Areas of Advisory Responsibility.

The purpose of the Administrative Affairs Committee shall be to keep apprised of administrative policies and procedures and to fulfill the advisory functions of the Library Faculty on such matters as: 

  1. The organization and reorganization of administrative services.
  2. Selection and removal of principal administrative officers having library-wide responsibilities, as well as the creation or abolition of such offices.
  3. Library budgets.
  4. Library collection development.
  5. Physical facilities.
  6. The Library calendar.
  7. Service to library users.
  8. Policy statements.