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Library Assessment: Assessment Language

Guidelines to create and manage a library assessment plan

About Assessment Language

I am very sorry. Assessment language and terminology are inconsistent across the literature. There are many definitions for terms, many of which are used interchangeably.  For example, “goal,” “standard,” “competency,” “objective,” “outcome,” and other terms are often poorly-defined and not clearly differentiated. Literature and publications in different disciplines may use different terms for assessment concepts. Different universities may use different terms for assessment concepts.

Unfortunately, this does not make learning about assessment any easier. However,...

More important than precise definition of terms is the ongoing knowledge that the assessment process is not an end product but a means to an end.” (Wehlburg, 2008, p. 99).

That goal is the improvement of programs, services, and learning.

Library literature uses different assessment terms than the literature of other disciplines.

ISU Terminology

ACRL Info Lit Standards

ACRL Competency Revised Standards





Performance Indicators

Performance Indicators

Performance Criteria




Wehlburg, Catherine M. (2008). Promoting Integrated and Transformative Assessment: A Deeper Focus on Student Learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

ISU Terminology

Term at ISU


Synonyms  from literature


What graduates will know/be able to do in five years after graduation 

Goals, outcomes, etc.



What students expected to know/be able to do by graduation

Objectives, standards, etc.

Performance Criteria

Measurable statements specifying the performance required to meet the outcome

Standards, rubrics, specifications, criteria, metrics, outcomes, etc.


Processes that identify, collect, use and prepare data that can be used to evaluate achievement



Process of reviewing results of data collection and analysis and making decisions based on data


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Shelley Arvin
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